We have the will to change and break the pre-established dynamics in the sector. Because the uses and needs of buildings by people are changing, and we want to respond. For this reason, the CSIM wants to integrate actors from the entire value chain:
educational and knowledge institutions and professional, business and technological corporations.
property administrators, real estate agents, insurers, elevator operators, building maintenance, rehabilitation, works and reforms, professional architects, lawyers, managers, mediators and supply companies.
owners, tenants, communities of owners, neighborhood associations and property management companies.
The main objective of the working group is to disseminate photovoltaic energy as a source of renewable energy to achieve environmental objectives and energy transition in Catalonia, and to encourage innovation and collaboration between agents to generate new opportunities and jointly promote the efficient energy sector in our country.
To work together all the companies and agents that are part of the real estate services value chain on the current and future challenges of the sector to develop better products and offer better solutions to the spaces and places where people live and work with an approach that promotes innovation, sustainability and new business models placing the customer or user at the center of the initiative.
To be the reference cluster in Catalonia and at a national level in the field of Real Estate Services that responds to future sectoral challenges, fostering collaboration between companies and environmental agents, promoting innovation and enhancing the exchange of knowledge and the acquisition and attracting talent to the sector and establishing strategic relationships with other international institutions, promoting differential quality, visibility and the participation of its members in the projects and activities it leads.
The Real Estate Services Value Chain includes all services related to the promotion, investment, design, construction, valuation, financing, rehabilitation, maintenance, operational management and intermediation (purchase/sale and rental) of assets or real estate of all kinds. (residential, retail, offices).
Three main business segments are identified in real estate services: Management Services/Horizontal Administration, Transactional Services and Investor Services/Vertical Administration. A relevant part of the chain is related with the products and services for the building that include the investments and expenses related to the community areas (construction, rehabilitation, architecture, supplies, cleaning, elevators, ...). The auxiliary or support industry for the provider of these services is also included (digital solutions, legal services, financial services, ...).
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At CSIM we have begun to build the new future of the real estate sector Join us
Javier Pérez del Pulgar
Empresa: ORGAN
Cargo empresa: Dirección General
Cargo: Presidente
Montserrat Sanchez Ibañez
Empresa: Mon vertical
Cargo empresa: Gerent
Cargo: Gerent
Agustín Hernández
Empresa: INMHO
Cargo empresa: Director M&A
Cargo: Secretario
Enrique Sánchez
Cargo empresa: CEO
Cargo: Tesorero
Joan Maria Feliu
Empresa: housfy
Cargo empresa: Asesor Comité Dirección
Jesús Gimeno
Cargo empresa: Director General
Cargo: Vocal
Jose Diez
Cargo empresa: CEO
Cargo: Vocal
Jose Sevillano
Empresa: EURECAT
Cargo empresa: Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios de Construcción
Cargo: Vocal
Regina Lahoz
Empresa: CAFUR
Cargo empresa: Directora General
Cargo: Vocal
Álvaro Ruiz
Cargo empresa: Director de Negocio Particulares
Cargo: Vocal
Jordi Mercadal
Cargo empresa: Gerente Dual Brand Catalunya
Cargo: Vocal
Laura López
Cargo empresa: Subdirectora General Estrategia, Clientes y Canales Alternativos
Cargo: Vocal
Nuria Alemany
Cargo: Socia Fundadora
Empresa: BE-SIDE
Cargo empresa: Consultora de Servicios Inmobiliarios y Project Manager
Ignasi Feliu
Cargo: Socio Fundador
Cargo empresa: Freelance
Joan Lluis Saperas
Cargo: Socio Fundador
Empresa: BE-SIDE
Cargo empresa: Consultoría de Servicios Inmobiliarios
Emiliano Lázaro
Cargo: Socio Fundador
Cargo empresa: Empresario sector Inmobiliario
Patrícia Remiro
Cargo empresa: Clúster Manager
Empresa: CSIM
Julia Sampere
Cargo empresa: Project Manager
Empresa: CSIM
Naia Vivanco
Cargo empresa: Responsable de Comunicación y Eventos
Empresa: CSIM